It warrants a 7 simply because I felt a lack of emotional depth from the characters. The story is fairly straightforward It's very easy to guess where the story will head, but that doesn't mean to say I didn't enjoy it. His signature metaphorical use of trains, the idea of a hopeless and distant love, and beautiful scenery really dive you emotionally into the story, even for how generic and simple it may seem.

The film holds true to all the expectations of a Makoto Shinkai production, from heartfelt smiles to crying the 5th time within the last 30 minutes. I'll try to keep my review as spoiler-less as possible. > Tags 7!! Air Gear : Kuro no Hane to Nemuri no Mori - Break on the Sky Album Anime Anime OST Ao no Exorcist Back-On Beelzebub Bleach Broken Blade Movie Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! ClariS Coming Soon Daisy x Daisy Deadman Wonderland Detective Conan Dorama Download EGOIST Eir Aoi Fairy Tail Fall 2011 Fate/Zero FLOW Guilty Crown Gundam Build Fighters Hi-Fi CAMP's High School of The Dead Hunter x Hunter Inazuma Eleven Go Info J-Music K-ON! Kimi ni Todoke Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season Kokoro Connect kuroko no basket S2 Kyoukai no Kanata LiSA Minori Chihara Mirai Nikki Movie Movie 2011 mp3 Music Music Video Nano Naruto Shippuuden Nichijou Nipponsei Nisekoi One OK Rock One Piece OVA Persona 3 Persona 4 Pokemon Best Wishes! the Movie: Victini and the Dark Hero Zekrom/ Light Hero Reshiram PV Robotics Notes Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo Scandal Sengoku Basara Shingeki no Kyojin Single Sket Dance Spring 2011 Summer 2011 supercell Sword Art Online Tari Tari The Sketchbook Trailer UVERworld Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru.I watched this film at Anime Expo 2016 Los Angeles.

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei OP Single – Rising Hope.PERSONA 3 THE MOVIE #1 Spring of Birth OST.Diamond no Ace OP2 Single – Perfect HERO featuring Ooishi Masayoshi].

Kuroko’s Basketball Anime Gets 3rd Season!.Mekaku City Actors OP & ED Single – daze/days.Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ED – Kirameki.Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso OP – Hikaru Nara.