Staples of many a fantasy fan's leisure time, they continue to provide a much-needed outlet for all that creativity.not to mention camaraderie. Tabletop card games were popular when many of us were kids, but they never really went away. Magic: The Gathering Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Draft Booster Box Star City Games Magic: The Gathering Cards Gold Collection Magic: The Gathering Zendikar Rising Commander Deck Cosmic Games Deluxe MTG Gift Set - 1000 Assorted Magic the Gathering Cards Magic: The Gathering Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Draft Booster Box Magic The Gathering Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Bundle Best value: Magic The Gathering Kaldheim Commander Deck Premium pick: Magic: The Gathering Core Set - Draft Booster Box Editors choice: Cosmic Games 61 Magic the Gathering Rares Collection